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Search Filters

When using the search bar, by default, Legato will search for projects based on the project title. You can also use the search bar to search for projects based on other properties.

Lean more about the properties here.


It filters projects based on the value of a specific column and a filter value provided by the user. If the filter value contains a space, it must be enclosed in double quotes (").


scale:"C minor"

You can use the same field multiple times to filter multiple values. For example, genre:House genre:Techno will filter for projects that have both House and Techno as genres.


It filters projects based on the value of a specific column and a filter value provided by the user. The filter value can be in several formats:

  • Number interval: If the filter value is in the format 120-150, it will filter for projects where the column’s value is between 120 and 150 inclusive.

  • Greater than: If the filter value is in the format >120, it will filter for projects where the column’s value is greater than 120.

  • Less than: If the filter value is in the format <120, it will filter for projects where the column’s value is less than 120.

  • Exact number: If the filter value is a single number like 120, it will filter for projects where the column’s value is exactly 120.




It filters projects based on the value of a specific column and a filter value provided by the user. The filter value can be true or false.


favorite:true (is a favorite)
hidden:false (is not hidden)
audioFile:true (has an audio file)